
不過因為我們家有 k ,小狗一隻,所以他給了我一隻五個月大的喵。
這隻小喵本名叫Sparks (閃亮的/閃光...?) ,上司說他抱走喵的時候,他兒子還哭了呢...總覺得有點心不安...

剛到家的時候,因為 k 再睡覺,所以我直接把喵帶到廁所,讓她知道她的廁所跟吃的東西在哪裡。

不過 k 一進入房間(不是廁所),喵咪就躲到馬桶後面角落的地方不肯出來。
因為 k 大概聞到了喵的味道,所以開始汪汪叫。
喵咪(Ayana-彩名) 大概被狗狗 k 嚇到了吧。

我因為還要回學校上課,所以只好跟室友說,讓 Ayana 留在她喜歡的地方,等我回來再處理。

下了課就馬上回到家,從床底把 Ayana 抓了出來,帶進廁所裡。



因為 Ayana 從她的床上滑出來,所以我讓她跟我一起睡。
Ayana 從睡在我旁邊,到今天早上睡在側睡的我的肚子旁。

I have been whining everyday for almost a week and half,
Today I finally got my kitty home.
When my supervisor brought the kitty to office at about 2:40 PM, the kitty was meowing sadly, kept wanting to get out of the cage.
She refused to take any food nor water from me...( :X )

My supervisor was going to give me a tiny kitty,
but they he worried that our dog "k" would mess with her, so he gave me Sparks, which is about 5 months old.
At the beginning I was kind of sad that i wouldn't able to have a new born kitty and raise her from the start,
but then come to think of it, I actually saved a lot of trouble having to potty train her and teach her things.
My supervisor told me that when he took Sparks into the cage, his little son cried...
I kind of feel bad for taking away the kitten from his son.
But I will take good care of her.

I took her home during my break from 3 ~ 4:30 PM.
"k" was sleeping when I first came home, so I put kitty straight into bathroom.
The kitty first started to walking around, smelling things.
She also jumped into the bathtub and jumped back out.

But as soon as "k" entered the room, kitty got scared and hided behind the toilet.
Although "k" was put into his cage, the kitty still got very scared and she would not move a bit.
I left the bathroom for a bit and kitty went under my roommate's bed.
Because I still had school, I left the kitty at where she was and told my roommate to leave her alone till I get back.

I got home as soon as possible and tried to get her out of the bed, brought back to the bathroom.
I opened up the wet food packet for her and she slowly started eating it, took about an hour.

After meal, I tired to put her into the litter box (also found out that it was a bit small for her) like the internet forum said,
but she kept on jumping out of the littler box.
So I just put her back to my bed.
She found a comfortable position and started purring.

This morning when i woke up, kitty Ayana is sleep next to my stomach.
And she seems fine today~^^


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